What raises a woman’s chance of getting uterine cancer?
There is no way to know for sure if you will get uterine cancer. Some women get it without being at high risk. However, the following factors may increase a woman’s risk for uterine cancer:
- Being older than 50.
- Being obese (having a high, unhealthy amount of body fat).
- Taking estrogen by itself for hormone replacement during menopause (without also taking the other female hormone, progesterone).
- Having had trouble getting pregnant, or fewer than five periods in a year at any time in your life before starting menopause.
- Taking Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat certain types of breast cancer.
- Having people in your family with a history of uterine, colon, or ovarian cancer.
If one or more of these things is true for you, it does not mean you will get uterine cancer. But you should speak with your doctor to see if he or she recommends more frequent exams.
the other female hormone) if you are taking estrogen to replace hormones during menopause.
Are there tests that can find uterine cancer early?
The Pap test does not screen for uterine cancer. The only cancer the Pap test screens for is cervical cancer.
Routine testing for uterine cancer is not recommended for women who have no symptoms. This is why you need to know the signs of uterine cancer and see your doctor if you have any of them.
If you think you may be at high risk for uterine cancer, talk with your doctor about whether there are tests you should have and how often you should be checked.
If you have symptoms or are at high risk for uterine cancer, your doctor may perform an endometrial biopsy or transvaginal ultrasound. Your doctor may be able to do these tests in his or her office, or may refer you to another doctor.
What should I do if my doctor says I have uterine cancer?
If your doctor says that you have uterine cancer, ask to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist—a doctor who has been trained to treat cancers like this. This doctor will work with you to create a treatment plan.
Where can I find more information about uterine and other gynecologic cancers?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 800-CDC-INFO or www.cdc.gov/cancer/gynecologic
National Cancer Institute: 800-4-CANCER or www.cancer.gov